About Us

Kestrel Andrus has been with Cerro Vista Farm for the past four years, after leaving her full time psychotherapy and executive business coaching practice in New York, to try her hand at living off grid and learning to farm. This has landed her at Cerro Vista Farm, where she brings with her expertise in “managing transitions,” as she has done for over 30 years with both individuals and organizations.

As COO of Sunshine Seedlings, she will be growing, marketing and selling seedlings, while simultaneously assisting Cerro Vista Farm in revisioning and rebranding operations to successfully adapt to the needs of the farm and the community.

Daniel Carmona has 47 years’ experience farming in the high-altitude-short-growing season of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains near Taos, NM, in Cerro, Arroyo Hondo, Las Colonias, and Lama. He has been growing and selling organic food in Taos since 1977, in the roles of farmer, restaurant owner, co-op grocery store manager, and farmers market manager.

He grows as much of his own food and seed as possible each year, so he grows the best tasting & cold-hardiest varieties that he can find. While he enjoys the grocery and restaurant businesses, he knows that, in the near future, for restaurants and grocery stores to remain a relevant and successful part of our culture, that they must begin working in close partnerships with local farms.